General use of Arabic

At Takallum Arabic Course

Beginners level

Noor El Bayan part.

  • At the end of the level, the student will be able to :

    -Distinguish the pronunciation and writing of similar letters.

    -Know well when to use the letter with long movement and when to use it with short movement.

    -Read the singular words and the simple sentences.

    -Distinguish between Yaa maddya and Yaa non maddya.

    -Distinguish between hamzat al-wasl and hamzat al-qat’

    -Read words in Qur’an correctly.

    -Read with Tajweed rules.

    -Read any verse of Qur’an correctly.

The basic level
  • At the end of this level, the student will be able to:

    -Get to know people.

    -Introduce him/herself or friends.

    -Use  pronouns with males and females efficiently.

    -Use pronouns with the proper verb.

    -Talk about his/her family.

    -Use the different demonstrative pronouns.

    -Describe the class and the tools used in.

    -Talk about the visit to the restaurant and his/her favorite food.

    -Learn the numbers and recognize the prices correctly.

    -Describe the places accurately.

    -Tell about the holiday with his/her family.

    -Compare the weather between his/her country and an Arab country.

Pre-intermediate level
  • At the end of this level, the student will be able to:

    -Know and speak about travel means.

    -Fill the form in the airport and book in a hotel.

    -Talk about the situations that happened during the journey.

    -Tell about the visit to the doctor accurately.

    -Speak in Arabic in the market.

    -Talk about his/her habits when he/she sells or buys something.

    -Describe accurately his/her school day or what happened in the work.

    -Compare between his/her country and the country he/she visited.

    -Tell about the memories during the journey.

Intermediate level
  • At the end of this level, the student will be able to:

    -Talk about people specs and his/her impression about them.

    -Tell about Eid.

    -Learn pillars of hajj and ‘umrah.

    -Discuss how much it is important to feel happy and safe.

    -Express his/her opinion in the important issues as pollution, the cleanliness of the environment and social media.

    -Compare some Arab culture landscape between  his/her country and an Arab country.

    -Share some proverbs and learn about its meaning.

    -Tell a summary about a historical character.

    -Discuss an scientific subject.

Post-intermediate level
    • At the end of this level, the student will be able to:

      -Read Tafsir and summarize what he/she understands.

      -Study Al Maton as Al-Ajurrumiyya and Al-Alfiyya of Ibn Malik.

      -Know about Hadeeth narrators.

      -Read some Fiqh books.

      -Compare some Fiqh opinions among the four Islamic schools.

      -Study examples of Islamic literature in prophet Muhammad Era,  all prayers and blessings of Allah be upon him,  the rightly guided caliphs era, Umayyad era and Abbasid era.

      -Rewrite some historical texts.

      -Study the prophetic biography.

      -Benefit from the life companions of the prophet and followers.

      -Write short story.

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Arabic for the old (Qur’anic Arabic)

العربية بين يدي أولادنا

Al Arabiyah baina yadaik

student, high school, education-5473769.jpg

Special use of Arabic

The vernacular

What We Have Here for You

Business language
  • -Learning business terminologies.

    -Practice using Arabic numbers.

    -Offering way below the asking price.

    -Studying  business conditions in Arab countries.

    -comparison of business conditions between his/her country and an Arab country.

    -Project suggestion in an Arab country and doing benefit analysis.

    -Discussion of important economic news.

    -Documentation of his/her business.

    -Comparison of prices and services between his/her country and a visited country.

Media language
  • -Learning the common terminologies in media which are used in public issues.

    -Comparison of the common terminologies in the news of politics, economy and sport.

    -Discussion the reports about wars and international conflicts.

    -Covering the highlighted stories as demonstrations, protests and international competitions.

    -Practice how to write reports in Arabic.

    -Analysis of the content he/she reads, watches and listens in the news.

    -Designing a practical project for every chapter.

    -Learning vocabularies used in Arab media.

    -Correction of the grammar of Arab media reports.

    -Asking for the legal proceedings to work as media professional.

The vernacular

-Studying the principles of Egyptian vernacular.

-Differentiation between Egyptian accent and other accents.

-Getting to know the pattern of Egyptian accent.

-Moderating a dialogue with a common person in the market.

-Spending a day according to Egyptian traditions.

-Realization of characteristics and morals of the Egyptians.

-Speaking in Egyptian accent all the day in Egypt and then tell about that day.


Diplomacy language
  • -Knowing the rules and protocols of diplomatic events in Arab countries.

    -Differentiation among Arab accents.

    -Specialization in certain accent efficiently.

    -Comparison of diplomatic protocols between his/her country and the target country.

    -Acquiring knowledge about Arab cultures.

    -Supporting the needy in accordance to diplomatic practice.

    -Discussion of the public issues as human rights and the freedom to demonstrate.

    -Coming into contact with Arabs to know much about them.

Arabic key content

The student will be able to:

-Distinguish among Arabic letters.

-Practice reading with short and long movements.

-Use the letters to form words and simple sentences.

-Read Qur’an with Tashkeel.

-Practice reading with Tajweed.

-Differentiate between Modood types as Al Motasil and Al Monfasil.

-Differentiate between narcotization and diphthongization.

-Use Qalqalah and distinguish its letters.

-Distinguish between Al Lam Ashamsia and AL Lam ALqamaria in listening.

-Distinguish between Taa marboota and  Haa marboota in use.

-Studying and distinction between similar Arabic letters.

-Combination of letters to form words then read it.

-Combination of a group of words to form a simple sentence.

-Writing and pronunciation of the words continously to be able to distinguish among them by the time.

-Pronunciation of words in syllables.

-Distinction between short and long movements.

-distinction among the similar letters in articulation.

-Combination and analysis of the words to be able to distinguish its Tashkeel in the beginning, middle and end of the word.

At the end of the level, the student will be able to :

-Distinguish the pronunciation and writing of similar letters.

-Know well when to use the letter with long movement and when to use it with short movement.

-Read the singular words and the simple sentences.

-Distinguish between Yaa maddya and Yaa non maddya.

-Distinguish between hamzat al-wasl and hamzat al-qat’

-Read words in Qur’an correctly.

-Read with Tajweed rules.

-Read any verse of Qur’an correctly.

What we introduce for you

  • interview that includes exam to detect your level.
  • do a plan suitable for you or your children.
  • we teach you according to your level and the interview.
  • we tell you about the plan and discuss it.
  • teaching includes all skills and sharing the different Arabic cultures.
  • practice papers continously.
  • exam at the end of the level includes the four skills.
  • designing certificate on which your level written.
  • designing motivational video as a reward for the student for his/her performance.
  • Attractive and interactive environment for learning.
  • Online exercises and summer games for entertainment and excitement during the lecture.
  • Duties to practice and play papers for interaction.
  • Motivational videos that includes students names and they can share it on social media.
  • Graphics and learning schedules that are appropriate for all ages.
  • Professional teachers graduated from the beast universities as Al Azar university.
  • Flexible Schedule compatible with your needs and your daily schedule.
  • Continuous revisions help to improve your performance.


GENRAL ARABIC Speaking Series