


We will learn at this course:

Deeds Depend on Intentions.

Pillars of Islaam

Mention the Name of Allaah.

A Good Dream

The Sweetness (Delight) of Faith.

The Believer Is Not Stung Twice..

The Superiority of Greeting (Assalaam).

Politeness of Speech & Kindness of Meeting.

Forgiveness and Tolerance

SKU: HADITH Category: Tag:

We will learn at this course:

Deeds Depend on Intentions.

Pillars of Islaam

Mention the Name of Allaah.

A Good Dream

The Sweetness (Delight) of Faith.

The Believer Is Not Stung Twice..

The Superiority of Greeting (Assalaam).

Politeness of Speech & Kindness of Meeting.

Forgiveness and Tolerance

Good manners (Akhlaaq).

Muslims Must Love Each Other.

Prohibition of Hatred and Envy.

Keeping Tongue and Hand from Offense.

Endearment of Truthfulness & Caution from Falsehood.

Cooperation Among Muslims.

Prohibition of Disobedience of Parents and False Witness.

The Signs of a Hypocrite.

Passing in Front of Someone Praying.

Leaving the Things That Don’t Concern You.

Forbiddance of Backbiting.

Rights of A Neighbour. Beauty vs Arrogance.

The Influence of Friends.

Calling to Right Guidance and Forbidding Evil.

The Strong Believer.

Whoever among you sees something which is munkar (evil).

Leave What Makes You Doubt.

Who among people is most deserving of my fine treatment?

Allaah Does Not Look At Your Bodies Appearance.

Treat Well Even A Disbelieving Mother.

in Islamic studies part , the student learn :

-The p.s of Islam which are ( Shahada – salat – zakah – fasting – the pilgrimage)

-learn everything about the meaning of there is no God to be worshipped but Allah and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah

– learn p.s and conditions of salat

-learn about zakah , charity and the importance of helping the poor whether they are Muslims or not.

– learn about fasting  , it’s conditions  , when it is a must  and when it is forbidden.

– learn about the pilgrimage and it’s story which tell us about the messenger of Allah Ibrahim , peace be upon him

p-s of faith in :

-faith in God , Angels , books , messengers and the Holey whether it is good or bad

Muslim morals :

( truth , honesty,  keeping pledge , just , benevolence )

By short interesting stories that help the child to deepen in three teachings of Islam indirectly.

Arabic :

If you think Arabic is difficult or your children find it very difficult to study Arabic then you have to join us to change your opinion.

Arabic may be actually difficult but the way we teach it , make it very easy for the old and the young

What we introduce for you :

  • Attractive and interactive environment for learning
  • Online exercises and summer games for entertainment and excitement during the lecture
  • Duties to practice and papers for interaction
  • Motivational videos that includes students names and they can share it on social media
  • Conceptions maps and learning schedules that are appropriate for all ages
  • Professional teachers graduated from the beast universities as Al Azar university
  • Schedule suits your needs and your daily schedule
  • Continuous revisions help to improve your level

30 MIN Class, 45 MIN Class, 60 Mins Class

Classes / Monthly

4 Classes / Monthly, 8 Classes / Monthly, 12 Classes / Monthly, 16 Classes / Monthly, 20 Classes / Monthly


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